Home » Charts » Best Metal Albums 2024 » Atra Vetosus – Undying Splendour (2024) Review

Atra Vetosus – Undying Splendour (2024) Review

I'll get it out of the way early: Australian Black Metal as a term is something that seems completely ridiculous. But then I remember Tasmania exists, and while hardly Australia, it is perhaps the only location where an Australian Black Metal band of any variety can exist with any sort of dignity. As you move further up the East coast the angst takes a different form, such that by the time it hits Queensland it's Caligula's Horse, so it manifests differently, and nobody should have to suffer that - so they have that going for them. That being said, Undying Splendour is a solid album rich with captivating atmospheres and melodic sections that will hold your attention throughout it's entirety. If you're a fan of progressive black metal that tends itself towards the melancholy and atmospheric, put the soy turmeric latte down and enjoy your listen to Undying Splendour.
  • Surprisingly easy listening
  • Great creation of atmospheres
  • Great utilisation of 10-minute songs
  • The pacing can slow a little too much at times
  • The tremelo melodic sections can get repetitious and have little variety between them
Leads & Melodies - 7.7
Rhythms & Percussion - 7.9
Vocals - 7.6
Lyrics & Themes - 8
Composition - 8.1
Written by
The resident cave dwelling, chug loving, prog snob that doesn't like prog. You'll find me overindulging in mediocre music and rating it way too high.

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